Parkside PTSA is looking for members to continue running. Please reach out to Mr. Szuksta for information.
Want to Join?
No meetings are scheduled at this time. Meeting link can be found on News and Events page
To be a voting member, it costs $7.00. Complete the form and make your payment as identified in the form.
We are looking for Board members too!
The Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) supports the Middle School at Parkside’s vision and mission and serves to enhance the educational and social environment of the school through effective activities and communications designed to support academic and financial goals. The PTSA shares the core value beliefs of the Middle School at Parkside. The PTSA does not actively participate in curriculum or school administration.
"One of the greatest gifts you can give is your time"
Thank you to all the volunteers and faculty who participate in making Parkside Middle School a better place for our students.
All parents, teachers, and guardians of enrolled students at Parkside are automatically members of the PTSA. This group would not succeed if we did not have parent, guardian and school staff involvement. Involvement could be as little as helping out at the ice cream social once a year or becoming involved with the planning and coordinating of several of the different events throughout the year. The choice is yours.
You may not realize how vital the PTSA is for the school. Your PTSA raises funds to purchase much needed supplies for the school, help offset costs for the barbecue lunch for clean up day, student recognition breakfast, field trips, social events and many other worthwhile student enrichment programs. There are many "behind the scene" activities PTSA volunteers can help with at home, such as creating flyers for upcoming events, typing a PTSA newsletter, sorting and counting the BOX TOPS for EDUCATION or labels for the CAMPBELL LABELS for EDUCATION programs. PTSA volunteers also help to organize and run the fundraising events throughout the year, like our raffles or bake sales. Please join or volunteer your time in any way you can. Let's make this a successful time for your child!
When can you Join?
PTSA meetings are held monthly at 6:30pm.
Next Meeting:
Upcoming Meetings: TBD
What we did for Teacher Appreciation Week 2021!
We showed our teachers how much we care and appreciate them with breakfast, signs, goodie bags and Ben & Jerry's ice cream.